A Short Guide to

Elections and the Markets

It’s that time again! Every four years, Americans take a few minutes out of their day to choose the next President of the United States. Under normal circumstances, voting is a simple, uncomplicated act — but the months preceding it are anything but. After all, before we vote, we first have to endure the dreaded “campaign season.” From televised debates to the plethora of signs on our neighbors’ lawns, “politics” becomes the order of the day.

If you’re like me, you probably don’t enjoy all the campaigning. But you also know how important the political process is. Being an informed, engaged citizen is crucial to maintaining the stability of our Republic. That means asking some tough questions, like: “Which candidate best represents my opinions and values?” “What will each candidate do to ensure both our safety and our personal liberties?” Getting the answers can be both frustrating and time-consuming. Fortunately, there’s one question you don’t have to ask: